This House believes the world is better off with Wikileaks

Monday January 24 2011
MOTION PASSED by 74% to 26%


Sir Richard Dalton

Speaking for the motion
Sir Richard Dalton

Sir Richard Dalton is an Associate Fellow on the Middle East and North Africa Programme at Chatham House - the Royal Institute for International Affairs in London. He joined the British Diplomatic Service in the 1970s and was posted to the Middle East. In the mid-1990s he was consul-general in Jerusalem and was appointed Head of Personnel at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1998. From 2003 until his retirement in 2006 he was the British Ambassador to Iran.


Carl W. Ford Jr.

Speaking against the motion
Carl W. Ford Jr.

Carl Ford served as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research in the United States State Department from 2001 until 2003 reporting directly to then Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Mr. Ford was directly  involved in supporting policies related to the war on terrorism, the Iraq war  and the Middle East peace process. Previously he was Deputy Secretary of Defense for the Middle East & South Asia, Staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, a CIA China military analyst and a US Army military intelligence officer. He now serves as an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service.


Carne Ross

Speaking for the motion
Carne Ross

Carne Ross is a former British diplomat who quit the Foreign Office over the Iraq war. He is the founder and executive director of Independent Diplomat, the world's first non-profit, diplomatic advisory group. At the Foreign Office, he served as speechwriter to the foreign secretary. He was also attached to the UK delegation to the UN Security Council where his efforts led to the establishment of UNMOVIC - the UN commission which carried out inspections of alleged chemical and biological facilities in Iraq, and ISAF - the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Mr. Ross also served as Strategy Coordinator for the UN in Kosovo. Carne Ross is analysing WikiLeaks cables on Twitter @carneross


Scott Gilmore

Speaking against the motion
Scott Gilmore

Scott Gilmore is the founder and Executive Director of Peace Dividend Trust - a non-profit, humanitarian organisation.  A former Canadian diplomat, his last position was Deputy Director for South Asia, working on Canada's integrated defence, development and diplomatic assistance to Afghanistan.  In 2001 Mr. Gilmore was the Deputy National Security Adviser to the United Nations peacekeeping mission in East Timor (UNTAET), responsible for the creation of the defence department, as well as the development of the national economic security policy.  In 1998, he was posted to the Canadian Embassy in Indonesia where he covered the collapse of the Suharto government and the outbreak of regional unrest.


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