Past Debates: Series 5

Series 5 highlights

Watch a selection of highlights from all Series 5 Doha Debates and Doha Debates Specials.

  • Monday, May 25 2009
    This House believes that Muslim women should be free to marry anyone they choose
    This House believes that Muslim women should be free to marry anyone they choose
    Asra Nomani, American Muslim Writer & Activist FOR
    Yasir Qadhi, American Muslim cleric AGAINST
    Muhammad Habash, Syrian parliamentarian and cleric FOR
    Thuraya Al Arrayed, Saudi writer and columnist AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 62% to 38%
    Broadcast: 6-7 June, 2009

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  • Monday, April 27 2009
    This House believes that Arab states should hand over the Sudanese president to the International Criminal Court
    This House believes that Arab states should hand over the Sudanese president to the International Criminal Court
    Ahmed Hussain Adam, Justice and Equality Movement Spokesman FOR
    Roland Marchal, Senior Research Fellow, CNRS France AGAINST
    Hani Shukrallah, Head, Heikal Foundation for Arab Journalism FOR
    Ghazi Salahuddin Atabani, Adviser to Sudan's president AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 55% to 45%
    Broadcast: 2-3 May, 2009

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  • Wednesday, March 25 2009
    This House believes it's time for the US to get tough on Israel
    This House believes it's time for the US to get tough on Israel

    This event was held at Gaston Hall at Georgetown University in Washington DC.

    The statements and views expressed in the debate are solely those of the Doha Debates and the film participants. They are neither endorsed by nor represent the views of Georgetown University.

    Michael Scheuer, former head of the CIA’s Bin Laden Unit FOR
    Dore Gold, President, Jerusalem Centre for Public Affairs AGAINST
    Avraham Burg, former Speaker of the Israeli Knesset FOR
    Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor AGAINST

    Ten students from universities and high schools across Qatar – all with a demonstrated commitment to debating – travelled to Washington to attend the Debate. During their week-long trip, they saw the White House, Washington Monument, Georgetown University, the Pentagon, Camp David, the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. They also managed to find time to debate Georgetown students and meet New York Times journalist Thomas Friedman.

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    Georgetown student trip

    MOTION PASSED by 63% to 37%
    Broadcast: 4-5 April, 2009
    Venue: Georgetown University, Washington DC

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  • Sunday, February 15 2009
    This House believes that after Gaza, Arab unity is dead and buried
    This House believes that after Gaza, Arab unity is dead and buried
    Nasser bin Hamad Al-Khalifa, Former Qatari ambassador FOR
    Daoud Kuttab, Palestinian journalist AGAINST
    Mouin Rabbani, Palestinian analyst FOR
    Abdulaziz Sager, Chairman, Gulf Research Centre AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 77% to 23%
    Broadcast: 21-22 February, 2009

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  • Sunday, January 18 2009
    This House believes that political Islam is a threat to the West
    This House believes that political Islam is a threat to the West
    Maajid Nawaz, Director, Quilliam Foundation FOR
    Shadi Hamid, Project on Middle East Democracy AGAINST
    Yahya Pallavicini, Italian Imam and government adviser FOR
    Sarah Joseph, Editor of Emel magazine AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 49% to 51%
    Broadcast: 24-25 January, 2009

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  • Monday, November 17 2008
    This House believes that Gulf Arabs value profit over people
    This House believes that Gulf Arabs value profit over people
    Najeeb Al-Nauimi, Former Qatari Justice Minister FOR
    Sheikh Mohamed Ahmed Jassim Althani, Former Qatari Minister of Economy and Commerce AGAINST
    Mansoor Al-Jamri, Editor, Alwasat newspaper FOR
    Tarik Yousef, Dean of the Dubai School of Government AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 75% to 25%
    Broadcast: 22-23 November, 2008

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  • Tuesday, October 28 2008
    This House believes the Middle East would be better off with John McCain in the White House
    This House believes the Middle East would be better off with John McCain in the White House
    Danielle Pletka, American Enterprise Institute FOR
    Michael Signer, Democratic strategist AGAINST
    Saad Al-Ajmi, Former Kuwaiti Information Minister FOR
    Hafez Al-Mirazi, Vice President, Al Hayat TV AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 13% to 87%
    Broadcast: 1-2 November, 2008

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  • Tuesday, September 16 2008
    This House believes that progress towards democracy has halted in the Arab world
    This House believes that progress towards democracy has halted in the Arab world
    Amr Hamzawy, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace FOR
    Salah Al-Shaikhly, Former Iraqi ambassador to the UK AGAINST
    Mustafa Hamarneh, Former Director, Jordanian Centre for Strategic Studies FOR
    May Chidiac, Lebanese television presenter and journalist AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 64% to 36%
    Broadcast: 4-5 October, 2008

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