Past Debates: Series 3

Series 3 highlights

Watch a selection of highlights from all Series 3 Doha Debates and Doha Debates Specials.

  • Monday, May 28 2007
    This House believes that torture is only acceptable under legal supervision
    This House believes that torture is only acceptable under legal supervision
    Khawar Qureshi, Barrister and Queen's Counsel in the UK FOR
    Freshta Raper, Former victim of torture AGAINST
    Bob Stewart, Former British Commander FOR
    Irene Khan, Secretary General, Amnesty International AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 42% to 58%
    Broadcast: 2-3 June, 2007

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  • Tuesday, May 01 2007
    This House believes the pro-Israeli lobby has successfully stifled Western debate about Israel's actions
    This House believes the pro-Israeli lobby has successfully stifled Western debate about Israel's actions

    This event was held at the world famous Oxford Union debating society in the UK, marking the first time the Doha Debates have been held outside Qatar.

    Norman Finkelstein, Professor of political science, DePaul University FOR
    Martin Indyk, Brookings Institution AGAINST
    Andrew Cockburn, Full-time writer and lecturer FOR
    David Aaronovitch, British journalist, broadcaster and author AGAINST

    A group of 15 students and recent graduates from high schools and universities in Doha were selected to travel to the UK to attend the debate and participate in a range of other activities.

    They were given the opportunity to learn debating skills from some of the world’s leading debaters, gain an insight into life at the university and meet politicians and other policy makers. A film crew and photographer followed the students from Doha to the UK to document their trip.

    MOTION PASSED by 66% to 34%
    Broadcast: 5-6 May, 2007
    Venue: Oxford Union Society, Oxford, UK

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  • Wednesday, March 28 2007
    This House believes the Palestinians should give up their full right of return
    This House believes the Palestinians should give up their full right of return
    Bassem Eid, Director, Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group FOR
    Ilan Pappe, Senior Lecturer of Political Science, Haifa University AGAINST
    Yossi Beilin, Member of the Israeli Knesset FOR
    Ali Abunimah, Co-founder, The Electronic Intifada AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 18% to 82%
    Broadcast: 14-15 April, 2007

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  • Monday, February 19 2007
    This House believes the face veil is a barrier to integration in the West
    This House believes the face veil is a barrier to integration in the West
    Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, Adviser to the British Home Office on Muslim affairs FOR
    Ayshah Ismail, British teacher who wears the face veil AGAINST
    Reem Maghribi, Founder, Sharq magazine FOR
    Ahmed Ahmed Younis, Muslim Public Affairs Council in the US AGAINST
    MOTION PASSED by 57% to 43%
    Broadcast: 10-11 March, 2007

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  • Wednesday, January 31 2007
    This House believes only a new dictator can end the violence in Iraq
    This House believes only a new dictator can end the violence in Iraq
    Sabah al-Mukhtar, Iraqi lawyer and activist FOR
    Adnan Pachachi, Veteran Iraqi diplomat and politician AGAINST
    Robert Baer, Former CIA officer who worked in the Middle East FOR
    George Galloway, British politician and anti-Iraq war campaigner AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 33% to 67%
    Broadcast: 10-11 February, 2007

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  • Tuesday, January 30 2007
    Doha Debate Special Event: Shimon Peres
    Doha Debate Special Event: Shimon Peres

    In the first high-ranking Israeli visit to Qatar in more than a decade, Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres was questioned by students at a Doha Debates Special event.

    Broadcast: 3-4 February, 2007

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  • Sunday, October 29 2006
    Doha Debate Special Event: Amre Moussa
    Doha Debate Special Event: Amre Moussa

    Doha Students questioned the head of the Arab League, Amre Moussa, on the hottest issues affecting the Arab world today.

    Broadcast: 4-5 November, 2006

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  • Wednesday, September 13 2006
    This House believes Hezbollah had no right to fight a war on Lebanon's behalf
    This House believes Hezbollah had no right to fight a war on Lebanon's behalf
    Oussama Safa, Lebanese Center for Policy Studies FOR
    Mona Makram-Ebeid, Former member, Egyptian parliament AGAINST
    Hisham Kassem, Vice Chairman and CEO, Al Masry Al-Youm FOR
    Ibrahim El Moussaoui, Head of political programmes, Al Manar TV AGAINST
    MOTION REJECTED by 37% to 63%
    Broadcast: 16-17 September, 2006

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